Residents are welcome to attend or sign up to speak at meetings of the Town Council, Planning Commission, and Economic Development Authority. A schedule of meetings can be viewed on the Mount Jackson Calendar. Meetings are held in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall building at 5901 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. Citizens may provide comments to be added to the record in lieu of speaking by emailing prior to the announced time and date of the applicable public hearing.
To inquire about joining the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Economic Development Authority, call the Town Office at 540-477-2121.
For meeting minutes from 2013-2023 see the Archive Minutes page.
Town Council Agendas and Minutes
Meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in the Council Chamber at Town Hall.
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Town Council Committees
Finance – Rod Shepherd, Chair
Ordinance – Evelyn Burner, Chair
Personnel – Todd Holtzman, Chair
Public Safety – Judy Fultz, Chair
Public Services – Bonnie Good, Chair
Public Properties & Facilities – Madison Estep, Chair
Economic Development Authority Agendas and Minutes
Meets on an ad hoc basis.
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The mission of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) is to promote industry and develop trade by inducing entrepreneurs to locate, remain, and expand in Mount Jackson and within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The EDA is authorized to issue bonds for the purpose of obtaining and constructing facilities. In addition, the EDA’s revolving loan fund exists to aid small-to-medium sized organizations create new permanent employment and expand existing business in Mount Jackson.
Rick Koontz, Chair
Mike Jones, Vice-Chair
Mike Koontz
Steve Povlish
Rod Shepherd
Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
Meets the first Monday of every month at 5:30pm (except holidays) in the Council Chamber at Town Hall.
There are no publications to display categorized planning commission 2025.
The purpose of the Planning Commission is to maintain the growth and development of the Town of Mount Jackson by utilizing and prioritizing the Comprehensive Plan. This committee of volunteers guides the Town Council in their decision making, keeping the distinctive character, history, and sense of community intact.
Larry Ambrose, Chair
Anita Miller, Vice-Chair
Evelyn Burner
Jim Hines
Karen Costie
Advisory Liasons
Shentel – Rod Shepherd