In the event of an after-hours emergency, please call 540-477-2121 for the voicemail contact message on how to reach our Public Works personnel.
The Town of Mount Jackson provides water, sewer, and trash service to most of the residents and businesses to properties located within the town limits.
Establishing new water and sewer service:
To request service, visit the Town Office at 5901 Main Street from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm to complete a service application. Prior to completing a service application, the tenant must have the required Landlord Authorization Form submitted by the homeowner and sent to the town office. The Town of Mount Jackson requires a $250.00 security deposit for any tenant or homeowner moving into a residence within town limits. This deposit is paid upfront at the Town Office when submitting a service application. Effective February 19, 2021, we will no longer accept credit card payments for security deposits. Security deposits must be paid by cash, check, or money order. Please arrive no later than 3:00 p.m. to set up a new water account.
For a homeowner, the deposit is returned after 13 consecutive months of prompt payments. For a tenant, the deposit is only returned when the individual moves from Mount Jackson. A forwarding address is required, and the deposit minus the final billing will be mailed within 4 to 6 weeks.
About your water bill:
The meters are read on a business day near the 20th of each month. The meters are read in thousands with a 2,000 gallon minimum.
Bills are mailed out the last business day of each month and are due the 15th of each month. Late bills incur a 10% penalty plus an additional $3 processing fee. Services will be disconnected if late bills are not paid by the 24th of each month (with the penalty fee) unless arrangements have been made in advance.
Payments may be dropped off in the night deposit box to the right of the south-side door at Town Center. Credit cards are not accepted in person at the Town Office, but can be paid online or by calling a toll free phone number. Returned check or automatic debit payments with insufficient funds incur a $50 fee.
Utility Billing Payment Plan
Water / Sewer / Trash rates:
Effective July 1, 2024, water is billed at $8.10 per thousand and sewer at $14.24 per thousand for in-town customers. Water is billed at $12.13 per thousand and sewer at $21.37 per thousand for customers outside town limits.
Residential trash rate is $14.68 and the commercial trash rate is $17.51.
The Town of Mount Jackson does not prorate the water bill. If the Town is unable to reach the meter because of a loose dog or an automobile blocking access, the meter reading will be an estimate for that month.
Large Trash:
A special pick-up takes place quarterly (January, April, July, October) for residents to dispose of large items. We WILL NOT pick up chemicals, paint, liquids, loose brush, tires, tv’s, computers, or anything in garbage/plastic bags.
Public information:
Water and Sewer Contacts:
Town Office 540-477-2121
Sewage Treatment Plant 540-477-3225
Maintenance Shop 540-477-9737
Public Works Department:
Public Works Supervisor – Roger Riggleman
Eli Proctor
Zach Foley
Dakota Stroop
Gavin Wolfe
Water/Wastewater Department:
Water/Wastewater Supervisor – Joey Blankenship
Riese Painter
Eric Schmidt
Kyle Jones